Cossipore Udyanbati

The Cossipore garden house as it used to be before it was rebuilt. Thakur Sri Ramakrishna lived here from 11th December 1885 to the end of his divine play on earth on 16th August 1886.

Cossipore Udyanbati

Address: Ramakrishna Math (Cossipore Udyanbati), Cossipore 90, Cossipore Road, Kolkata -2

On the advice of the doctor, Sri Sri Thakur was shifted in December 1885 from Shyampukur Bati to this open and spacious garden house of Gopal Chandra Ghosh. The devotees were blessed in this house by the divine self-revelation of Sri Sri Thakur Ramakrishna on 1st January 1886. To commemorate that event, the ‘Kalpataru’ festival is held every year on January 1. Sri Sri Thakur attained Maha Samadhi (end of divine play on earth) in this house on 16th August 1886. A branch of Sri Ramakrishna Math has been established here in the year 1946.

Cossipore garden house with Mango Tree, where Ramakrishna became Kalpataru.

Sri Ramakrishna’s room in Cossipore Garden House

কাশীপুর উদ্যানবাটি

ঠিকানা: রামকৃষ্ণ মঠ (কসিপুর উদ্যানবাটি), কসিপুর ৯০, কসিপুর রোড, কলকাতা -৭০০০০২।

শ্যামপুকুর বাটী হইতে ডাক্তারের পরমর্শে উন্মুক্ত পরিবেশে রাখিবার জন্য ভক্তগণ শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুরকে গোপালচন্দ্র ঘোষের এই উদ্যান বাটীতে ১৮৮৫ খ্রীষ্টাব্দের ডিসেম্বর আনয়ন করেন।

শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর এখানেই ১৮৮৬ খ্রীষ্টাব্দের ১লা জানুয়ারী আত্মপ্রকাশে ভক্তদের অভয়প্রদান করেন। ওই ঘটনার স্মরণে আজও প্রতি বৎসর ১লা জানুয়ারি ‘কল্পতরু’ উৎসব অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। এই বাগানবাটীতে শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর ১৮৮৬ খ্রীষ্টাব্দের ১৬ই আগস্ট লীলাসংবরণ করেন।  ১৯৪৬ সালে এখানে শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ মঠের একটি শাখাকেন্দ্র স্থাপিত হয়।

One can find the trunk of a date tree on exhibit at the office of the ashrama. This piece of wood is a silent witness to a miraculous incident at Cossipore during Sri Ramakrishna’s last days: One day some young disciples were going to tap date juice from a tree in the compound. Sri Ramakrishna was then in a very bad condition and could not even move about without help. But to her surprise, Mother
noticed him running out of the room that day. She went to his room to see what the matter was. The room was empty, and she saw Sri Ramakrishna return within a short time. When she asked him about the incident the next day, he dismissed it by saying, ‘Oh! It is all your imagination! Your brain must have been heated by standing for long near the oven in the kitchen!’ But when Mother was persistent, he said that there was a cobra under the date tree from which the young disciples were going to tap the juice. In order to protect them, he had, by his higher powers, gone to the place in advance and driven the cobra away

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