Sri Ramakrishna visited this place on the 5th of August 1882 at 4pm along with Master Mahasaya (Mahendranath Gupta, the author of Kathamrita), and he had long discussions with Vidyasagar till 9 pm. These discussions were held in a room situated on the second floor of this two storey building. The detailed description of that day’s meeting is available in Kathamrita.
Category Archives: North Kolkata
গেঁড়াতলার মসজিদ — চিত্তরঞ্জন এভিনিউ, কলি-৭, মধ্য কলিকতার এই মসজিদে শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুরের একটি আকস্মিক ঘটনায় একদিন শুভাগমন হইয়াছিল।
Thakur Sri Ramakrishna Once Visited The Calcutta Medical College Hospital.
In the year 1853, Sri Ramkumar (Thakur’s elder brother) established this school (commonly known as ‘toll’ or ‘Chatuspathi’ in those days), and taught the students in the Jhamapukur area. He had to undertake this work to meet his family needs, as they had lost their father and Sri Ramkumar was practically the bread winner of the family. The toll (school) does not exist now. Instead, there is a Radhakrishna temple (Sri Shyamsundar Jiu) at the same location, and daily worship of the deity is performed.
Gadhadar (later Sri Ramakrishna) while living in the Jhamapukur area in 1853 to 1855, used to often visit Ma Siddheshwari Kali of Thanthania Kalibari, and sing to the Goddess of this temple.
৯ নং পশুপতি বসু লেন, বাগবাজার, কলিকাতা-৩। এই বাড়িতে অনেক দেব-দেবীর ছবি আছে শুনিয়া শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর ২৮-৭-১৮৮৫ তারিখে এখানে আসেন ও ছবিগুলি দেখিয়া প্রশংসা করেন।