The Birthplace of Sri Ramakrishna

The Birthplace of Sri Ramakrishna:


It was next to an oven in the Dhenkishala (shed in which a husking paddle is fixed). The present temple is built on top of this birthplace. In this temple, a white stone idol of Sri Sri Thakur Sri Ramakrishna is placed on a stone altar and in front of the altar, a replica of the dhenki (husking paddle) and the oven are inscribed.

Husking paddle: The birth spot of Sri Ramakrishna in Kamarpukur

Family tree of Bhagaban Sri Ramakrishna

শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণের জন্মস্থান:

ঢেঁকিশালায় একটি উনুনের পাশে। এই জন্মস্থানের উপরেই বর্তমান মন্দির নির্মিত। এই মন্দিরে শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুরের শ্বেত প্রস্তরমূর্তি যে প্রস্তরময় বেদীর উপর স্থাপিত ওই বেদীর সম্মুখ ভাগে ঢেঁকি ও উনুনের প্রতিরূপ খোদিত আছে।

3 thoughts on “The Birthplace of Sri Ramakrishna

  1. Ram Sekher Pati says:

    This work is marvelous and outstanding. No world can describe such greatness. The real manifestation of Bhramma as said by the great Swami can be seen here.

    I am very very obliged at your feet for this soothing visuals. Pray lord keep you all healthy and active till the moment you depart this mortal world.

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