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Simulia – Narendranath’s House

Sri Sri Thakur used to come from time to time to see and inquire about Narendranath at his ancestral house at 3 Gaurmohan Mukherjee Street. According to the writings of Sri Mahendranath Dutta, Thakur never entered this house. However, according to Latu Maharaj (Swami Adbhutananda) and Master Mahasaya (Sri M – writer of Kathamrita), Thakur visited Narendra’s house and Latu Maharaj was with him.

Mechuabazar – Home of Lachhmi Bai

রানী রাসমণি ও মথুরবাবু শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুরের সাধনকালে তাঁহাকে পরীক্ষা করিবার জন্য লছমী বাঈ প্রমুখ সুন্দরী বারনারীকুলের সাহায্যে ঠাকুরকে প্রথমে দক্ষিণেশ্বরে এবং পরে কলিকতারা মেছুয়াবাজার পল্লীর এক গৃহে প্রলোভিত করিবার চেষ্টা করিয়াছিলেন। শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর এইসব নারীদের মধ্যে জগন্মাতাকে দেখিয়া ‘মা’ ‘মা’ বলিয়া বাহ্যচেতনা হারাইয়াছিলেন। ইহাতে এই সব নারীর মধ্যে বাৎসল্য ভাবের সঞ্চার হয় এবং তাহারা ঠাকুরের নিকট ক্ষমা প্রার্থনা ও তাঁহাকে প্রণাম পূর্বক চলিয়া গিয়াছিল।

House of Bhudhar Chattopadhyay

This place was blessed with the holy visit of Sri Ramakrishna on 25.6.1884. On the occasion of Rathyatra, when Sri Ramakrishna was at Ishan Mukherjee’s Thanthaniya residence, he came to know that Pandit Shasadhar was staying at Bhudhar Chattopadhyay’s place. In the afternoon, he met Pandit Shasadhar and held extended spiritual discussions with him. This is chronicled in ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’

Holy Trinity Church on Amherst Street

This church, associated with the Protestant Christian community is located in the BaithakKhana area of Central Calcutta. In Dakshineswar, while practicing Christianity for three consecutive days, Thakur had a vision of Jesus Christ in Panchavati. He saw Jesus the God-Man embracing him and finally merged into his body. Thakur entered into a state of ecstasy (Bhav Samadhi) and lost normal consciousness. He prayed to Goddess Jagadamba to fulfill his wish to observe how the Christians pray.

Nabagopal Ghosh’s House in Badurbagan

Once, Sri Sri Thakur visited Nabagopal Ghosh’s house in Badurbagan on the occasion of a grand festival. While listening to the Bhagavat recitals and kirtana in their Chandi Mandapa, Thakur stood up and took the Tribhanga- Muraridhari pose (Krishna posing with three bends – head, waist and legs) and stayed that way while the singer’s sang Kirtan. NabaGopal Babu was blessed to see the Bhuvan Mohan (Enchanter of the World) form of Thakur that day.

Sadharon Brahmo Samaj

‘Sadharan Brahmo Samaj’ was established in the Thanthane area by senior Brahmo devotees like Pandit Shivanath Sastri and Acharya Bijoy Krishna Goswami. This place has been blessed on several occasions by the visit of Sri Ramakrishna. This Sadharan Brahma Samaj was created in 1878 as a result of an ideology confict between the leaders of the Nababidhan Brahmo Samaj and Bharatborshiyo Brahmo Samaj.