Thakur visited and graced this famous Pathbari of Vaishnavism. It is mentioned in the fifteenth volume of Sri-Ma-Darshan. Since Thakur used to visit most of the temples in the Barahanagar region, it was likely that he visited this sacred ashrama too.
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It is mentioned in certain books that Thakur visited devotee Joy Mitra’s Kripamoyee Kali Mandir on the banks of the Ganges in Barahanagar.
Thakur had food at this garden house in Barahanagar. He used to come here at times.
Narayandas Bandyopadhyay, a devotee of Kuthighat Road, Barahanagar, was an expert in reading and exposition of mythological stories. He was popularly known to the people as Kathak-Thakur or Thakurdada.
Mastermasay’s brother-in-law Ishanchandra used to treat Thakur at Dakshineswar. Thakur paid a kind visit to his Barahnagar residence.(Sri-Ma-Darshan)
দক্ষিণেশ্বরের পার্শ্বে আলমবাজারে তাঁহার বাড়িতে ঠাকুর গিয়াছিলেন
In an ecstatic state, Thakur would come sometimes to this house and eat food there. The priest of Vishnu Mandir Sri Ram Chatterjee who used to stay in Dakshineswar was another person.
According to Sri Mahendranath Gupta, author of Sri Sri Ramakrishna-Kathamrita, Sri Sri Thakur once visited this timber yard in Belur at the request of Kapten (affectionately addressed by Thakur Sri Ramakrishna) Viswanath Upadhayaya. At that time, this warehouse for storing timber was located in the northside of the first floor of the house adjacent to the one known as old Mathbari of Belur Math. It is mentioned in the 15th volume of Sri-Ma-Darshan. The senior monks of the monastery also came to know about this from Master Mahasaya who heard about it from Sri Sri Thakur himself.
বালীতে কালাচাঁদ মুখোপাধ্যায়ের বাড়িতে হরিসভায় — শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর শ্রীমদ্ভাগবত পাঠ, ভগবৎ লীলাবিষয়ক কীর্তন বা যাত্রা শ্রবণের জন্য হরিসভা প্রভৃতি অনেক স্থলে গিয়াছিলেন। বালীতে ভক্ত কালাচাঁদ মুখোপাধ্যায়ের গৃহে হরিসভায় শ্রীমদ্ভাগবত পাঠ ও কীর্তনে যোগ দিয়াছিলেন শ্রীশ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ পুঁথিতে উল্লিখিত আছে।
Bhadrakali village is located on the other side of Dakshineswar. It is stated in Sri Sri Ramakrishna-Punthi that Thakur was impressed listening to the singing of Panchali (ballad) by Shibu Acharya.